Lineage II

Lineage II is a massive-multiplayer game, its based in a fantasy history created by NCsoft. In this game, you can create 7 characters per account, every character starts at level 1, the objective is level up your character to the maximum level and build your character with armor and weapons for do a battles with others characters. This battles are named "PVP".


World Of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a massive-multiplayer game, it is the fourth game by Blizzard. In this game, you can create your character avatar, this avatar starts level 1 and you need to explore the map, fighting with monsters and doing quests for level up your avatar.

There are two types of game, PVE and PVP. The PVE it's based on kill monsters, do quests and help the other avatars. The PVP it's the same, but the difference is that the other avatars can kill you and not let you kill monsters and level up.

